
Artificial Intelligence, Education Technology, MultiCloud

Supporting the Student Journey Through Digital Transformation

What Does it Mean to ‘Go Digital’?

Digital transformation is a critical topic for higher education institutions globally to help them become more innovative, agile and resilient to support their students. Keys to adopting digital can be categorized into four areas—pandemic, prediction, personalization and performance. The pandemic proved the need for reliable digital resilience so that schools can quickly pivot to online learning, meaning more flexibility, scalability and agility. Anticipating touch points for the general student journey from applications to graduation and alumni status allows institutions to better predict unique education tracks, and through data collection, create personalized experiences for students and faculty. With the right tools in place, both students and staff can have automated task management and digital performance throughout their higher education.

Delivering a Seamless Digital Experience

These capabilities and more are aspects of the education experience students have come to know and expect from their campuses. With the understanding of why digital transformation is important, here are three takeaways institutions can explore to deliver improved experiences and increase the overall quality of student engagement.

  • Adopting Cloud-based Solutions: The pandemic necessitated change across the entire education system to remote and hybrid learning environments. Moving to the cloud allows organizations to become more scalable and agile, ensuring students can access everything they need to be successful within one engagement system.
  • Utilize Artificial Intelligence Chat and SMS Bots: Whether through a website or mobile app, predictive technology like chat bots can assist students in completing specific touch points of their student journey. By anticipating what students are currently aiming to accomplish, providing helpful information with the click of a button and giving quick and easy direction to what is most relevant for them, an AI chat or SMS function can track and engage each of those touch points for institutions to best support their students daily.
  • Prioritize Student Digital Security: Before students arrive on campus, they often must create an account for submitting their college applications. Once they are immersed in the university’s various online learning tolls and processes, they typically must make multiple accounts with numerous different passwords. Implementing security measures such as multi-factor authentication and other 2-step security methods ensures only the right student is accessing their personal information and data.

Genesys Student Journey and Digital Transformation Blog Embedded Image 2023Integrating and Examining Data to Enhance Student Engagement

Implementing new strategies and technologies often comes with a significant amount of transition for any campus’ community, but starting with small integrations and building upon each success can slow the pressures of digital transformation. An institution that understands what capabilities and goals each of its department has allows it to create more successful implementation plans for new solutions. Change management, like valuable training and guidance for staff, plays an integral role in ensuring efficient progression of solution integrations into those individual departments. In addition, institutions must remain engaged with staff after new changes are incorporated to understand their pain points and strategize opportunities for fine-tuning.

No matter what stage students are at in their journey through higher education, securely and efficiently integrating their data into new technologies across campus empowers institutions to better understand individual learning tracks. Institutions should examine a student’s qualities and data from a holistic point of view to best engage with and support them, instead of attempting to piece each departments information together for a less comprehensive perspective.

Analyzing student data and activity also motivates institutions to revisit their digital operations and presence to find areas for improvement. It is imperative that websites, learning tools and accesses are functioning quickly and reliably to best serve the students utilizing them. For example, an institution may consider that lower application rates are due to how many students abandoned their application submission process after factors like an unsuccessful login, inability to create an account, errors when submitting, long wait times for tech support, etc. Understanding these barriers enables institutions to promptly address them and streamline the process for any new applicant.

Empowering Higher Education for Success

Increasing student engagement with a multitude of efficiently integrated solutions gives institutions the opportunity to better understand what their students need to be successful through their educational journey. Though there is much more to digital transformation, these key takeaways allow higher education professionals to strategically plan technology and solution implementations to improve their students’ experiences.


Together, Genesys and GTS are hosting a series of webinars to educate attendees on the most reliable and efficient solutions for their student experience and engagement challenges. Join these cloud, digital and AI technology experts for and learn how your organization can support the student journey.

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