
Goldfinger Holdings - Plum CRM

Goldfinger Holdings - Plum CRM

Improve collaboration between sales and development teams. Connect customer relationship management (CRM) systems with project management tools to allow smoother information flow and better teamwork.

Step 1 of 3

Leverage 15 years of expertise with the Goldfinger CRM Connector for enhanced performance and efficiency

Unlock peak performance with the Goldfinger CRM Connector, backed by 15 years of expertise. Trusted by teams of all sizes, our Server, Data Center, and cloud (Plum) connector ensures seamless daily operations through unparalleled integration, enhancing overall efficiency.

Leverage 15 years of expertise with the Goldfinger CRM Connector for enhanced performance and efficiency Leverage 15 years of expertise with the Goldfinger CRM Connector for enhanced performance and efficiency


  • Easy as 1, 2, 3 installation
  • Near infinite customization
  • Top notch customer support
Step 2 of 3

Goldfinger CRM Connector simplifies all teams communications

The ability to engage with unique teams improves outcomes and products enhances customer support and satisfaction.

Goldfinger CRM Connector simplifies all teams communications Goldfinger CRM Connector simplifies all teams communications


  • Integrates with multiple projects
  • Integrates with multiple CRM's
  • Mutiple to multiple integrations available
Step 3 of 3

Goldfinger CRM Connector provides precise management of object types with granular control.

Whether your organization relies on basic out-of-the-box objects or highly customized ones, our Goldfinger CRM Connector, with its tailored record setups and field mappings, will optimize your workflow seamlessly.

Goldfinger CRM Connector provides precise management of object types with granular control. Goldfinger CRM Connector provides precise management of object types with granular control.


  • Custom object and child object support
  • Advanced Field Mapping and value translations
  • Easy to use migration tools