
Mobile App Monitoring Platform for Government to Supervise People in Pre-Trial, Probation and Parole

eHawk’s signature mobile supervision software RePath is the modern tool required to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and lower recidivism in community corrections. RePath leverages the power of the modern smartphone to provide a cost-effective way to improve supervision in pre-trial, probation, and parole with astounding results. RePath has reduced pre-trial incarceration by 50% while increasing officer efficiency over 300%. It reduces administrative friction at every turn, increases the effectiveness of local services and costs much less than it saves.

RePath requires no hardware not already in use by participants and agencies and does not need to integrate into legacy systems. It can be implemented into any agency within days .

RePath features include:

  • Check-ins using facial recognition to verify identity
  • Court date reminders
  • Location tracking with curfew, inclusion and exclusion zones Chat, SMS, and transcripted video-conferencing
  • Compliance scoring across supervised populations
  • Automated reporting
  • Access to local services
  • Multiple levels of supervision
  • Convenience supervisor dashboard to see potential violations at a glance

RePath is proven and secure. It is already in place in over 100 agencies across the US and Canada and we have recently exceeded 5 million supervised days. It is used by different agencies for probation, pre-trial, juvenile, and specialty court in urban as well as rural applications. All of our customers have enjoyed 100% uptime and end-to-end encrypted security.

Many agencies in community corrections are unable to fully staff their departments or simply don’t have the capability to adequately meet the burden of supervision placed upon them. In addition to the software product, RePath employs a fully staffed, professional, US based supervision center that is available 24/7 to all of our customers. We can take care of all supervision requirements including reporting or simply handle overflow or off-hours supervision as needed.

No agency, even if fully staffed, has the time or expertise to deal with technical issues, general customer support, or routine questions about RePath. We handle all such inquiries from participants so agency supervisors can focus on the job of supervision.

While ankle monitors are often used to monitor 2-3% of a supervised population, RePath is the cost affordable, data rich solution for ALL participants. The supervision app and dashboard is also available to all supervisors in an agency. The training and support provided by RePath is not only world-class, but it is also unlimited.

Once implemented for any agency, RePath is available to all participants, for all features, with unlimited training and support. This is how progress is made. This is the path. Call today to start with RePath.

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