
  • Gaining Greater Network Visibility Leads to Greater Digital Transformation Success

    Dennis Reilly, Vice President of Public Sector at Gigamon, explains why agencies need visibility of all data in transit, on premise or in the cloud so leaders can determine where security issues exist and secure these vulnerabilities.

    • CMMC, Cybersecurity , Gigamon
  • Visibility and the Quest for Zero Trust

    Telework is here to stay; Dennis Reilly, Vice President of Public Sector at Gigamon, analyzes how agencies can adapt with pervasive network visibility and analytics.

    • CMMC, Cybersecurity , Gigamon
  • Cybersecurity Starts with Visibility

    Learn why a pervasive view into far-flung networks is essential, and next-generation packet brokers can help achieve this visibility from Dennis Reilly, Vice President of Federal at Gigamon.

    • CMMC, Cybersecurity , Gigamon
  • Agencies Need Force Multiplying Technologies to Manage Cyber Threats

    Dennis Reilly, the Vice President of Federal at Gigamon, explains how tools like next generation network packet brokers help agencies catch up and get ahead of cyber attackers.

    • Gigamon, Cybersecurity
  • Cyber Leaders Share Insights on CDM

    Government leaders from the Department of Homeland Security, NASA and Department of the Interior join industry leaders from ForeScout Technologies, Gigamon and FireEye to discuss the past, present and future of the CDM program.

    • FireEye, Gigamon, Cybersecurity , Forescout
  • The Security Game Changer

    Hear from Dennis Reilly, Vice President of Federal Sales at Gigamon, on how people, processes, and technology together can revolutionize the way agencies defend their IT assets.

    • Gigamon, Cybersecurity
  • Resource: Prevent Encrypted Threats and Data Loss with Inline SSL Decryption

    Read this whitepaper to learn about the benefits and challenges of some of the most common approaches available to inspect encrypted traffic and about a new technology from Gigamon that delivers an advanced inline SSL/TLS decryption solution that fosters…

    • Gigamon, Cybersecurity
  • This month’s Innovation in Government Report on Federal News Radio features Dennis Reilly, the Vice President of Federal Sales at Gigamon, talks to Jason Miller, Executive Editor at Federal News Radio, about why agencies should focus on people, process…

    • Gigamon, Cybersecurity
  • Addressing Long-Standing Cyber Challenges

    In this WTOP radio spot, Dennis Reilly, the Vice President of Federal Sales for Gigamon, says agencies today have a unique opportunity to address long-standing cyber challenges.

    • Gigamon, Cybersecurity
  • A Different Approach to Cybersecurity

    In this WTOP radio spot, Dennis Reilly, the Vice President of Federal Sales for Gigamon, says agencies are taking a different approach to cybersecurity that’s focused on data and where it lives on the network.

    • Gigamon, Cybersecurity
  • Buying Down Cybersecurity Risk to the Max

    In this WTOP radio spot, Dennis Reilly, the Vice President of Federal Sales for Gigamon, says agencies need to buy down cybersecurity risk to the maximum extent.

    • Gigamon, Cybersecurity