
  • Report: The Future of Technology

    Groundbreaking tools and techniques are becoming more sophisticated and innovative at a time when government needs them to tackle a wide array of challenges.

    • Artificial Intelligence, Multicloud, Emerging Technologies, 5G, Dell Technologies
  • How Repatriation Fits into a Broader Cloud Strategy

    Manny Yusuf, chief cloud/edge architect at Dell Technologies, discusses how the decision to pull workloads back on-premises should be part of a larger plan for making the best use of cloud.

    • Multicloud, Emerging Technologies, Dell Technologies
  • Critical Factors in the Continued Cloud Modernization Journey

    Jay Fohs, Senior Customer Advocate for Financial & HealthCare Agencies at Veritas, explores how the use of cloud services and better cybersecurity capabilities are helping agencies meet the long-held goals of secure information sharing - and how…

    • Multicloud, Veritas
  • Managing Multi-Cloud Through the ‘By Design’ Approach

    Kelsey Monaghan, Lead of Federal Strategic Programs and Partnerships for Cloud and Edge, explains why agencies need to understand their workloads and which cloud makes sense to optimize those efforts. Key factors include portability between cloud…

    • Multicloud, Dell Technologies
  • Making the Most of Multi-Cloud

    With the right strategy and industry partners, agencies can build robust cloud environments that prioritize security and provide the visibility necessary to manage operations and costs.

    • Multicloud, All
  • The Growing Power of Multi-Cloud

    Creating a comprehensive cloud infrastructure from best-of-breed products is essential for innovation and modernization

    • Multicloud, All
  • How the Mission Drives Multi-Cloud Success

    Scott Frohman, Head of Defense Programs at Google Cloud, explains why a thoughtful approach to cloud adoption minimizes the impact on users, strengthens security and boosts innovation.

    • Multicloud, Google Cloud
  • Choosing the Right Cloud Tool for the Job

    Jason Payne, CTO at Microsoft Federal, discusses how a multi-cloud environment gives agencies a wide selection of options for achieving their mission goals.

    • Multicloud, Microsoft
  • Seamlessly Embracing a Multi-Cloud Environment

    James Donlon, Director of Solution Engineering for Government and Education at Oracle, details why decisions about cloud services hinge on understanding agencies’ needs and providers’ capabilities.

    • Multicloud, Oracle
  • The Move to Multi-Cloud by Default

    Adam Clater, Chief Architect of the North America Public Sector at Red Hat, discusses how a shift in procurement and congressional activity is driving agencies to multi-cloud deployments.

    • Multicloud, Red Hat
  • A Smarter Approach to Cloud Adoption

    Jeremiah Sanders, Senior Transformation Strategist at VMware, explains how a “migrate then modernize” strategy speeds the move to a secure, consistent multi-cloud operating model.

    • Multicloud, VMware
  • Executive Viewpoint: A Conversation with Guy Cavallo

    Guy Cavallo, CIO at the Office of Personnel Management, explores IT modernization and multi-cloud adoption at OPM.

    • Multicloud, All
  • FCW Report: Harnessing the Power of Cloud Technology

    Determining an optimal cloud strategy can be daunting for agencies. Yet regardless of the path they choose, the end goals are the same: modernization, innovation and better security. In other words, cloud is part of the journey but not the destination.

    • Multicloud, All
  • Capitalizing on Cloud’s Transformative Nature

    Cloud adoption can be a complex undertaking, but it is essential for unlocking the speed and flexibility necessary for modern digital enterprises.

    • Multicloud, All