
EdPower & Riverside Insights

The exclusive partnership between Riverside Insights and EdPower to digitize The Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test™ (IAAT™) and the research-based Gates-MacGinitie, GMRT® represents a significant step forward for educators seeking to improve student outcomes. Educators now have access to a comprehensive online platform for delivering these critical assessments.

By providing these assessments online, EdPower offers a more streamlined and efficient way for educators to administer the exam, saving valuable time and resources. Moreover, the online platform provides actionable reporting and data insights, enabling educators to gain deeper insights into student performance and identify areas for improvement.

EdPower's partnership with Riverside Insights is uniquely positioned to support educators in developing effective instructional strategies as the demand for digital administration and reporting continues to grow. With a range of products and services designed to help teachers tailor their approach to individual student needs, EdPower and Riverside Insights are committed to ensuring that all students have the support they need to succeed.