June 22, 2022
Content Disarm & Reconstruction (CDR) is a type of cybersecurity technology designed to remove potentially malicious code from data. Until now, other vendors and CDR technologies have often relied on detection to identify malware, leaving them vulnerable to evasion.
May 30, 2022
A short while ago, a new DOCX appeared on a Detection website, originating from Belarus. Initially, at the time of writing, only five of sixty vendors available marked this file, now known as CVE-2022-30190, as malicious. And as of 30/05/2022, only twenty-two of sixty vendors are flagging this now known file as malicious.
November 17, 2022
When people talk about implementing Zero Trust, often it starts with breaking things down into two main categories, ‘Resources’ and ‘Users.’ Makes sense, since it is the interaction between users and resources that must be secured with Zero Trust controls. Conversations used to start with a pre-determined focus on the internal network. As such, things primarily revolved around implementing network segmentation controls.
December 01, 2022
It is both easy and common for malware to sneak into an organizations by being creatively embedded in attachments – and unknowingly sent or forwarded to an inbox. Privileged users are targeted left and right by nation state and non-nation state actors. No amount of cybersecurity training will eliminate people from clicking on well-disguised files.
December 07, 2022
In 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby coined the phrase - "data is the new oil." This has proven to be very true since like oil, data if left unrefined (unanalyzed and misunderstood) is effectively worthless.
April 12, 2023
As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the threat of cybercrime continues to loom large over the banking industry. With more and more financial transactions occurring online, cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in banking systems to steal sensitive information and funds.