Turning Vision into Reality: How Agencies Can Forever Improve

Created in partnership with GovLoop and supported by Acquia, Alteryx, SolarWinds, Qualtrics and Zoom.

GovLoop modernization Guide cover

In the past two years, agencies have taken a hard look in the mirror. Often on short deadlines, they had to stand up new IT systems, design innovative customer experiences, collect and manage hordes of data, provide tools for a newly remote workforce, and evaluate funding and other resources. Some agencies managed with what they had; others were exceptionally ill-prepared. The immediate challenge was a health care crisis that had overwhelmed much of society. But now that we’ve entered what’s known as the post-peak phase of the pandemic, it’s time for agencies to consider, “What next?”

The purpose of this guide is not to help organizations prepare for the next disaster. The purpose is to go beyond that — to explore how agencies can take a broader, more overarching and continuous approach to self-improvement.

In the past two years, agencies have taken a hard look in the mirror. Often on short deadlines, they had to stand up new IT systems, design innovative customer experiences, collect and manage hordes of data, provide tools for a newly remote workforce, and evaluate funding and other resources. Some agencies managed with what they had; others were exceptionally ill-prepared. The purpose of this guide is not to help organizations prepare for the next disaster. The purpose is to go beyond that — to explore how agencies can take a broader, more overarching and continuous approach to self-improvement.

Organizations with this mindset — we call them agencies of the future — are stronger, more surefooted and more responsive. Those objectives are so important that GovLoop is undertaking a yearlong journey, beginning with this guide, to help agencies see over the horizon. In this resource, we explore how organizations can harness the potential of their people, technology, innovations and budget to make continuous improvement a reality. You’ll hear from government and industry experts with firsthand experience fixing the unfixable.

Download the guide to read more about how to institute continuous modernization to exceed your goals. You'll learn:

  • How four government agencies launched long-term improvements in the key areas of people, technology, innovations and budget.
  • How to address the "big picture" goals and challenges including training and costs
  • How to apply these insights to your organization with worksheets and Q&As

Plus, hear from modernization leaders at USAID, OPM, iNet and Michigan's Wayne County as well as ̽Ƶ's technology experts when you download the guide.

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