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Government Events and Resources



10-Part Webinar Series: Transform Government Services with Adobe Acrobat DC

Event Date: February 10, 2020 - February 14, 2020
Hosted By: Adobe & ̽»¨ÊÓƵ
Adobe Document Cloud (DC) is transforming the way that government agencies manage day-to-day document organization and processes!

With the combined digital document capabilities found within Adobe Acrobat DC, the complete PDF solution, and Adobe Sign, the industry’s top e-signature solution, users can create a 100% digital workflow – aiding in increased efficiency and reduced complications regardless of agency size or infrastructure. Watch the on-demand recordings from our Adobe webinar series to discover how Adobe is helping agencies to implement paperless processes for improved government services!

For detailed information on what each session covered, please check out our page.

Fill out the form below the table to access the session recordings, Q&A transcript, available slide decks, and helpful web links shared during the webinars.

DaySession OneSession Two
Day One
What is Adobe
Document Cloud (DC)?
Get the Most out of
Adobe Acrobat DC
Day Two
Essentials 101:
Convert Scanned Documents into PDFs 
You Can Instantly Edit
Essentials 102:
Secure, Redact, and Protect
Your Digital Documents
Day Three
Essentials 103:
Create Functional Forms for Your
Electronic Signature Needs
Essentials 104:
Sign on the Digital Line
with Adobe Sign
Day Four
Essentials 105:
Benefit from Shared Review and
Collaboration Capabilities
Essentials 106: 
Take Your Documents On-The-Go with Adobe DC Mobile Apps - No Folders Required
Day Five
Essentials 107: An Exploration of
Adobe Acrobat DC in Government
Ask the Experts:
Adobe Acrobat DC Q&A

Fill out the form below to view this archived event.


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