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IRVINE, Calif. — April 4, 2022 — , developer and provider of the leading cloud-based electronic plan review solution, today announced that the has selected to integrate with its permitting platform, , to enhance its permitting and plan review processes.
The addition of e-PlanREVIEW (EPR) will create a tightly integrated and cohesive end-to-end permitting and plan review solution that will dramatically improve the digital plan review process. EPR will also offer a user-friendly experience for both applicants and staff. Among the improvements to the applicant experience is EPR’s ability to accept partial resubmittals, which will allow applicants to resubmit only the pages that require changes, instead of full plan sets for each adjustment.
“We’re very excited to move forward with e-PlanREVIEW to provide a seamless and user-friendly solution for our staff and customers alike,” states Maika Arnold, Senior Planner at the Town of Longboat Key.
The automatic transfer of data between the Town’s BS & A permitting solution and e-PlanREVIEW will introduce enhanced efficiency throughout the full permitting and plan review process. Using its current plan review solution, the process can take up to three times longer than reviewing paper plan sets, because of the limited integration. The result is a somewhat convoluted process that requires separate systems with disparities and additional entry of data.
Given that Florida law requires agencies to allow for electronic plan submittals, the Town was intent on identifying a plan review solution that would tightly integrate with BS & A. e-PlanREVIEW stood out as the ideal choice, in part because of the seamless integration available with the BS & A permitting platform, and because it will augment functionality to result in a true end-to-end process solution.
The Town’s location and proximity to the water requires that many projects must also comply with FEMA regulations, including tracking elevation certificates and documents that may not be common to all jurisdictions. e-PlanREVIEW allows agencies to import FEMA maps and view as an overlay to accurately determine a project’s proximity to identified elevations. e-PlanREVIEW affords agencies a user-and applicant-friendly experience that streamlines workflows and facilitates online collaboration.
“It’s rewarding to bring a solution to the Town of Longboat Key that will dramatically improve its permitting and plan review processes,” states Harrison Longhurst, Regional Sales Manager at e-PlanSoft. “e-PlanREVIEW will extend functionality and reduce the time to approval of plan reviews.”
e-PlanREVIEW will be acquired through a contract with ̽»¨ÊÓƵ. for the purchase of the cloud-based plan review solution. ̽»¨ÊÓƵ serves as e-PlanSoft’s Master Government Aggregator®, making the company’s solutions available through ̽»¨ÊÓƵ’s reseller partners and contracts, including NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) V, National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint, National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA), New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA) and OMNIA Partners.
“By selecting e-PlanREVIEW, the Town of Longboat Key will be able to significantly streamline its plan review strategy to improve functionality and efficiency through e-PlanSoft’s cloud-based electronic solution,” said Lacey Wean, Director who leads ̽»¨ÊÓƵ’s e-PlanSoft division. “We are pleased to be able to connect Longboat Key and e-PlanSoft and uphold our mission of partnering with the best technology providers and resellers to support Public Sector needs.”
About e-PlanSoft
e-PlanSoft™ develops industry-leading cloud-based electronic document review software that assists governmental agencies, construction and manufacturing industries, developers, and owners with their plan review, design review, product review, construction, and asset review management in real-time.
About Longboat Key, Florida
Longboat Key, Florida is an offshore barrier island that encloses the western boundary of Sarasota Bay in Southwest Florida. The island’s eastern shoreline contains dense mangroves and canals and marinas, and the western shoreline consists of a white sand beach on the Gulf of Mexico. Longboat Key covers approximately 4.26 square miles that is home to approximately 8,000 full-time residents, with the population expanding to 22,000 during peak season.
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Juli Rose
(949) 544-0525
Mary Lange
(703) 230-7434
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