

streamlining secure federal research and development collaboration with box


Streamlining Secure Federal Research and Development Collaboration with Box

Research and development (R&D) is a core capability of the federal government. It is critical to the advancement of defense systems, improves our nation’s renewable energy technology, and drives innovation — which propel our economy forward.

Federal agencies need a secure digital content platform to share and edit documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and other unstructured content, but outdated software, poor R&D collaboration practices, and unreliable budget allocations make it difficult. The Box Content Cloud provides a secure content layer for an agency’s unstructured data across all its applications. In this Tech Spotlight, you'll discover:

Tech Spotlight Federal Research & Development Graphic
  • How the R&D process works and what it requires
  • Box's ease of use and security features
  • Five key benefits of the Box Content Cloud

Complete the Form to Download Our Tech Spotlight and learn more about how Box can support your organization's content management journey.