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Integrating Legacy Systems into a Modern Single-Source Portal

The United States Navy has embarked on a transformation initiative to improve and modernize personnel management and training systems to recruit, develop, manage, reward and retain the force of tomorrow.

The Navy selected Imagine Believe Realize (IBR), a company specializing in innovative technology solutions for government clients. Utilizing the Liferay platform, IBR, a Liferay Services Provider Partner, developed a holistic solution for the Navy’s challenge. In this Tech Spotlight, you'll discover more about:

Tech Spotlight Liferay Integrating Legacy Systems Graphic
  • Current challenges faced by the Navy
  • How Liferay and IBR work together to create one supportive solution
  • The results and future initiatives of the integrated portal

Complete the Form to Download Our Tech Spotlight and learn more about what Liferay and IBR are doing to support the Navy in their mission.