
Adobe Telework Resources

The COVID-19 pandemic led agencies to shift gears and carry out tasks remotely, and while remote work was not a new concept, it was not as widely accepted and adapted as it is today. Post-pandemic, government agencies must be equipped to adapt to ever-changing circumstances in efforts to increase business continuity while embracing hybrid work schedules as employees continue to Telework.

Check out the resources below for tipsfree trialstraining, and support offerings Adobe is providing to federal, state, and local agencies across the nation through to enhance business continuityremote collaborationrapid response, and more.


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Adobe Connect allows users to create a secure workplace with flexible options for meetings, trainings, and webinars. Customize the look, feel, and functionality of your virtual room to efficiently deliver content in a multitude of ways. Your virtual rooms are always on, always available and always how you last left them, so there is no need to start from scratch for every session that you run. Through capabilities that include, screen sharing, video conferencing, instant file sharing, engagement monitoring, closed captioning, quizzing, and breakout rooms, employees can be productive and maintain a continuity of business operations from wherever they are located.


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Adobe Acrobat Sign is a cloud-based e-signature solution that lets you replace paper-and-ink signature processes with fully automated electronic signature workflows. Easily send, sign, track, and manage signature processes using a browser or mobile device. You can also use turnkey integrations and APIs to include e-signature workflows in your enterprise apps and systems of record.


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Adobe Acrobat Document Cloud (DC) transforms the way organizations manage day-to-day document processes – making in-person requirements a thing of the past. With the combined powers of Adobe Acrobat DC and Adobe Acrobat Sign, users can create 100% digital workflows, collaborate seamlessly, and continue operations - from anywhere they are - with trusted and legal e-signatures.