
Accela Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Building

    The Accela Civic Application for Building is a pre-built solution designed to cut turnaround times with digital permitting processes. You can automate the tracking and management of permit applications from intake to project completion and deliver total visibility throughout the process for agency staff and builders alike.

  • Planning

    The Accela Civic Application for Planning automates and tracks plan reviews, zone variance requests, and code enforcement to improve citizen satisfaction.

  • Service Request Management

    Accela’s Service Request Management is a branded, mobile and web-based application that helps government keep pace with evolving citizen demands and facilitates customer relationship management.

  • Business Licensing

    Accela Business Licensing software eliminates the pain in business licensing management, helping agencies reduce turnaround time and provide better customer service with a responsive resource.

  • Occupational Licensing

    The Accela Civic Application for Occupational Licensing software simplifies the occupational licensing process. An easy-to-use online portal makes it easy for licensees to upload documentation such as continuing education verification, reference letters, or work history. And for agency staff, automated workflows and intelligent routing eliminate manual steps and speed applications through the review process, delivering a superior customer service experience to licensed professionals.

  • Alcoholic Beverage Control

    Accela’s Alcoholic Beverage Control software manages the numerous steps in the licensing process, helping agencies reduce turnaround time and provide better customer service, while protecting public safety with important checks and safeguards. With automated workflows, intelligent routing, and concurrent review, Accela Alcoholic Beverage Control eliminates manual steps, makes agencies more efficient, and improves the liquor licensing process for staff and licensees alike.

  • Short-term Rental Registration

    Accela’s short-term rental registration software helps all parties come together with a streamlined licensing and enforcement system for governments and hosts. The online portal provides a quick and efficient route to web-based registration, while simplifying and encouraging host compliance. Neighbors can submit complaints online, helping to reinforce host compliance, preserve community character, and improve city oversight efforts.

  • Cannabis Regulation

    Accela Cannabis Regulation eases agency burdens in licensing cannabis cultivation, processing, and retail businesses. With automated workflows, flexible license types, and strong compliance functionality, Accela Cannabis Regulation makes regulatory agencies more efficient and responsive.

  • Fire Prevention

    Accela’s Fire Prevention Solution is a complete system for managing permitting and inspections for fire departments. It helps modernize inspections, plan review and permit processing so fire staff can focus on protecting the community, not pushing paperwork.

  • Environmental Health

    Accela’s Civic Application for Environmental streamlines public health protection by combining all program data into one system, and automating the application submission, plan review, inspection, and permitting process to reduce reliance on internal IT departments. The Civic Application for Environmental Health automates all of the manual processes that go into receiving applications for plan reviews, permit renewals, and enforcement actions so agency staff can focus on strategic projects like improving business owner outreach and education on environmental health best practices.