
Modernize Your Pre-K and Child Care Ecosystem With Data & Technology

BridgeCare provides data and technology infrastructure to help government agencies and non-profit organizations effectively manage their early care and education (ECE) ecosystems.

BridgeCare supports a wide variety of public sector ECE initiatives and implementations, including administration of state- and countywide Pre-K programs, child care supply and demand, licensing, subsidy management, professional development, and much more.

BridgeCare spans the chasm between rigid, one-size-fits all “out-of-the-box” solutions and complicated, unsustainable custom builds. The solution is built on a proven foundation designed specifically for the ECE space, but its highly configurable and modular framework means it can be tailored to the very specific, localized needs of any organization without any code modifications. This approach not only saves BridgeCare clients immeasurable time and money, it also means the technology can evolve over time to support new initiatives, align with changing requirements, and adapt to stakeholder feedback. The software’s white-label design can be customized with agency/organization branding, colors, and logos, enabling a consistent experience across systems.

BridgeCare’s solution revolves around three distinct user experiences: the administrator portal, the provider portal, and the family portal. The administrator portal is where agency staff go to manage cases, monitor licensing, disburse grant and subsidy funds, review reports, change configurations, communicate with providers and families, and more. The provider portal gives providers a place to manage their marketing presence with SEO-friendly pages, submit information to specialists for reimbursement, apply for grants, upload critical documentation, maintain enrollment and waitlists, manage QRIS benchmarks, and communicate with families. The family portal enables families to find providers in their communities, identify best fits based on a variety of criteria, communicate with providers, complete enrollment and funding applications, and signup for waitlists, all through an interface that is easy to navigate, culturally responsive (including human translations), and highly accessible.

Beyond the software, BridgeCare’s team has the expertise and experience to serve as a strategic partner for organizations looking to modernize and improve their processes. We have worked closely with our clients to turn high-level objectives into actionable strategies and workflows, improving efficiency, accuracy, and overall user experience.

As of 2024, BridgeCare is serving four state agencies, 500+ counties, 50,000+ providers, and 500,000+ families. Our clients include the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education, the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, United Way of Connecticut, and many more.

BridgeCare is on a mission to turn the dream of high-quality, affordable early care and education for everyone into reality. We are creating a well-funded and well-functioning ECE system that always puts the needs of families and providers first. We envision a future where high-quality, affordable early care and education is easily accessible for all.