
Use technology to help increase your capacity to do more good.

Since 2003, Change and Innovation Agency (CIA®), a Vimo® company. has led the way in assessing, reshaping, and sustaining service delivery and operational practices in human services agencies. Our core focus is the re-engineering of public-sector business processes for programs that encompass Medicaid, SNAP, adult financial assistance (including TANF), child support, child care assistance, and child welfare. Our deep institutional knowledge and unique ability to convene all partners empowers agencies to develop and implement improved business practices that align with their objectives and ultimately make a tangible impact on their communities.

Having pioneered the use of Software as a Service (SaaS) technology in health and human services and perfected its successful delivery over the last decade, we are deeply committed to empowering agencies to effectively administer programs, improve the quality of services, and achieve your programmatic goals of whole-person and whole-family care.

Implemented in eleven states, Current™ is an enterprise-grade configurable SaaS solution that provides workflow management and real-time visibility into your entire operation to track all incoming work as it moves through each county agency. From one secure and shared platform, counties can balance work based on program and client thresholds and leverage all available staff to meet demand in one single solution where the right worker gets the right work at the right time, ensuring a future-proof solution with a lower total cost of ownership.