
Coveo Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Intelligent Intranet

    Use Case:

    Making a customer’s existing intranet portal usable and intelligent by using our smart widgets, unified & dynamic search page, as well as people & document finder features. Generally for access by all employees.

  • Intelligent Employee Self-Service

    Use Case:

    Making a customer’s existing HR / IT Support portal more effective and intelligent through our unified & dynamic search experience as well as our added people & document finder features. Generally for access by all employees.

  • Line-of-Business (LoB) Intelligence

    Use Case:

    Making a departments line of business systems more useful and intelligent by powering them with intelligent knowledge discovery experiences. For use by departmental employees.

  • Intelligent Help Desk

    Use Case:

    This use case almost goes hand in hand with Employee Self-Service in that the Internal Help Desk is responding to tickets submitted by employees. However, what we can offer the internal Help Desk is separate, with different systems & even specific buying orgs. If a Help Desk team uses Coveo in their Service Management application - e.g. Coveo for Salesforce Service Cloud, Coveo for ServiceNow ITSM - then, they can monitor employee self-service content, user behavior, clicks, and content usage & gaps. For use by Support staff only.