
Increase safety by bridging disparate systems and data siloes for effective intervention

CTIP is an enterprise public safety company with solutions that empower organizations to coordinate and collaborate to prevent violence, respond to trauma, and increase system efficiency for community safety. CTIP supports large-scale implementations for federal and state systems including courts, schools, law enforcement, and family services.

Core to the business is our patented software platform, Outreach, that connects data across disparate systems (justice, education, social services, mental health, police, community) and levels (local, state, region, national) in a robust and secure digital environment. CTIP also offers end to end service including training, software support, case consults, Violence Threat Risk Assessment Training, Trauma Event Systems Training, strategy/protocol/workflow development, and ongoing technical assistance.

Outreach is our SaaS platform that coordinates communication and collaboration across government systems, ensuring that everyone working on violence prevention, mental health, community care, and justice have the right information at the right time to make data-informed decisions that get people the support they need, when they need it.

Outreach is comprised of three components: Outreach Hub, Outreach Coordinate, and Outreach Tools with configurations specific to justice, community, and education. Outreach is a proven product in both the US and Canada.

Exclusive features and capabilities of Outreach include:

  • Multi-directional/multi-stakeholder data access and communication
  • Securely connects to metadata from any partner system-school, law enforcement, mental health/public health, social services, education, juvenile justice, homeland security and emergency preparedness
  • Standardization for threat assessment and violence prevention across multiple systems and levels
  • State-level dashboard to hotspot areas of concern
  • Real-time connection and collaboration through live invitations and conference calls
  • Roll-up analytics and reporting capability
  • Integrated anonymous tips and authenticated referrals
  • Tracking of individuals of concern across districts
  • Standardization of physical building assessment processes
  • Tracking and monitoring of emergency response plans