
iOra Solutions for the Public Sector

iOra Geo-Replicator® provides guaranteed access to up-to-date business information, irrespective of connectivity and location. This results in reduced costs and improved productivity across the organization. iOra Geo-Replicator® software uniquely provides multiple modes of replication within the same product:

  • Server-to-Server

    The master and replica servers check against their local content repositories on an update schedule that is dictated by the volatility of the data. Scheduled operation ensures that server peak usage can be efficiently managed and avoids potential system overflow that can occur when triggering incremental replication on each and every server update event. Server-to-Virtual Server (S2VS). Geo-Replicator® uses the Microsoft SharePoint®platform API to read and write the structure, content and access rights changes on the master and replica. The update amendments that are passed between the master and replica server benefit from the high levels of compression that can only be achieved by the Epsilon® technology. Hence the network connection that is required to connect master and replica can be anything from 1kbps to 100Mbps. In the same regard the bandwidth used by the replication phase is dramatically reduced.

  • Server-to-Laptop

    iOra’s software ensures offline mobile and field workers dependent on laptop connectivity have exactly the same experience as they would if working at Head Office. Whilst offline web page links in web pages work and full search of offline content is available. When online, documents amended offline can be uploaded. This capability is enabled using iOra’s unique web visualization technology that is continually updated with highly compressed iOra Epsilon® updates to ensure that the content is fresh and up to date.

  • Server-to-Virtual Server

    This solution is specially designed as an alternative for lightweight, read-only portals for remote offices. This solves the problem of replicating portal content to remote office environments where the installation and maintenance of a sophisticated server is impractical. iOra is deployed at the server level with the addition of a proxy server, to deliver a web application to a group of users without the requirement for installing backend infrastructure.

  • File-Based Replication

    The efficient replication of file store replicas, using the world leading iOra Epsilon® compression technology.