
Keralia Solutions for the Public Sector

  • ​newLab Core Management

    Make it simple to use and manage scientific instrumentation and research-specific technology services.

    Key features:

    • Service Portal
      • One single location where researchers can access to all the resources they need to run their projects and connect with their peers and teams
    • Instrument & Service Catalog
      • Easily create and maintain catalogs of available resources and services that your user community can access through the portal (instruments, training, computing and data management services, on-demand assistance, etc.)
    • Reservation Engine
      • User-friendly interface for helping researchers find and book instruments and/or services in a couple of clicks
    • Instrument Management
      • A configuration management database to centrally manage instruments and other technology resources along their lifecycle
    • Maintenance Management
      • A calendar view of scheduled maintenance activities for instruments and lab resources with automatic notifications and link with reservation availabilities
    • Utilization & Billing
      • Automatic consolidation of instrument and resources utilization rates based on actual reservations and automatic calculation of amounts to be invoiced by user/customer
    • Workflow Automation
      • Easily customize out-of-the-box workflows and/or create your own workflows to run your labs or core facilities (reservation approvals, invoicing, maintenance and calibration activities, etc.)
    • Knowledge Management
      • Create and maintain a knowledge base to share and disseminate best practices, experimental protocols, knowledge articles, project outcomes, standard procedures, etc.
    • Dashboards
      • Leverage all your data with easily configurable dashboards to support decision-making and operational management
  • ​newLab Experiment Management

    Foster collaboration and teamwork around experiments and projects and enable research teams to work from any location.

    Key features:

    • Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)
      • One central editor where researchers can record, document and share protocols, experiments and results for their projects
    • Inventory Management
      • Consolidate the management of lab consumables and reagents for automatic reassort and end-to-end traceability
    • Workflow Automation
      • Create your own workflows to automate your experimental operations (data acquisition from instruments, data transfer to/from data analysis applications, audit trails, automatic reports, etc.)