
Proactive Supplier Performance Management by AI and End-user Feedback

Procurated is the leading site for public sector ratings & reviews, with over 80,000 reviews written exclusively by vetted government professionals. In addition to providing performance ratings that can be accessed for free by the entire public sector at procurated.com, these reviews also help to power Canary - Procurated's Contract Performance Intelligence Platform.

Often, after contracts are awarded, procurement and contract management teams have little interaction with suppliers until it is time for renewal. When procurement does hold performance reviews, those conversations lack the performance data to make an impact. When performance issues arise, procurement is often on the back foot, only hearing about the issue long after the fact. Canary is designed to empower contract management teams to be proactive instead of reactive in solving supplier performance challenges and ensuring better service to their agency customers.

To achieve this, Canary ingests performance review data specifically from agency end users and leverages AI to surface insights and create feedback summaries. These summaries help governments to better understand the performance of their suppliers across multiple criteria (timeliness, pricing, quality, and customer service) over time.

Government contract managers use Canary to solicit feedback directly from agency end users, to monitor how their contracts and the suppliers on those contracts are performing, and to send performance reports to suppliers via email, allowing those contract managers to scale up performance management efforts to more suppliers. In combination, this all leads to improved, data-driven conversations when proactively addressing performance issues and considering renewals. Canary also helps to track overall spend on customer contracts, providing insights into how procurement leadership can grow that on-contract spend.

Canary is trusted by the procurement and contract management teams of over a dozen state governments, municipalities, and higher ed institutions. Procurated provides best-in-class onboarding, training, and support for contract management and procurement teams, spearheaded by experienced public sector procurement professionals.