
Access the worlds largest index of public social media data

The Socialgist platform provides comprehensive access to a repository of global public conversational content. With an index of over 34 billion posts annually, our platform ensures our public sector customers are well-equipped with the necessary data to enhance public awareness, ensure safety, and combat the rise of misinformation.

Our coverage spans the globe, encompassing data from major online platforms and smaller communities alike. This diverse data collection allows our public sector to gain insights from around the world. Additionally, our targeted collection from platforms like TikTok, Discord, Tumblr and more, allows our customers to tap into the niche communities that are important to them.

To support the needs of our public sector customers, our platform offers flexible data delivery methods including a REST API with extensive historical access and real-time streaming options. This flexibility ensures that our customers can integrate and utilize data seamlessly within their existing systems, or quickly build from the ground up.

Lastly, our enterprise-class service level guarantees high availability and reliable data delivery, crucial for public sector operations that require constant and immediate access to data for crisis management and public communication.

Socialgist also prioritizes data compliance, ensuring all data handling is SNEAD 5 compliant, meeting the strictest standards required by public sector data management policies.

By leveraging the Socialgist platform, our customers can quickly gain value from the world's online conversations. Contact us to start your POC today!