
Akamai Business Continuity Assistance Program

Secure your remote workforce

Business continuity assistance program

This sudden increase in remote users is a challenge for many of our customers. Corporate VPN setups are
typically not scoped for large numbers of off-site workers, and scaling access is expensive, slow, and
complicated for most businesses.

Akamai’s enterprise security solutions can be globally deployed in less than 15 minutes to secure and
manage remote access.

Get started today

Start today with a free 60-day self-service period of our solution.

Or contact us if you need help with your implementation. Our Enterprise Security Specialist team will
conduct a rapid review of your remote user requirements and project scope. Together, we will determine
how we can assist you.

To see what self-service implementation entails, watch the . To speak with an
Enterprise Security Specialist, complete the form below:




  Typing on laptop

Workers at computers

Secure Remote Access

Akamai Enterprise Application Access enables you to securely provision remote access to the right applications, helping you to maintain business continuity while still enforcing appropriate security controls.

Universal Threat Protection

Akamai Enterprise Threat Protector provides you with visibility into user and endpoint activity, regardless of location, allowing you to block malicious requests and enforce AUPs, comprehensively protecting your business.

Product brief