
Zencity Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Zencity Organic

    Plug into the conversation and understand the organic feedback that's taking place across hundreds of publicly available social and local media channels with digestible analysis and personalized insights.

  • Pulse

    Generate quick results on timely issues with ad-hoc online surveys. With distribution managed by the client, Zencity will process, analyze, and deliver the results in an executive report.

  • Pulse Premium

    Gather representative feedback on timely issues with ad-hoc online surveys. Zencity manages distribution, guaranteeing a representative sample of residents, and delivers the analyzed results in an executive report.

  • Community Survey

    Measure resident satisfaction with a recurring online survey that provides ongoing scores that are always viewable from a live dashboard, and representative results aggregated into a report each quarter.

  • Zencity Engage

    Invite resident input through a two-way digital engagement platform for sharing and collaborating on projects.

  • Blockwise

    Increase public trust with a recurring survey measuring resident sentiment regarding public safety and trust in law enforcement agencies, with ongoing scores always viewable from a live dashboard and results aggregated into a report each quarter.

  • Benchmarker

    Improve performance management with a tool for analyzing resident sentiment on pressing issues in the client’s community, as compared with trends visible in similar communities, with insights delivered through personalized reports.

  • API Access

    Import and display data from Zencity into another software or dashboard.

  • Contact Translation

    Connect and translate channels and data items from another language into English.

  • Custom Engagement Reports

    Tailored reports prepared by a Zencity analyst, who sifts through all available data and synthesizes trends into an actionable report that is easily shareable with key stakeholders.